Friday, April 29, 2011

shepard fairey poster

this a poster that shows Shepard Fairey art work as well as the bio done on him.
the work he does can have a lot detail or be very simple.

i took a picture of him and four picture's his work he had done. i think i did this the best i could do with out messing up his art work. the bottom is on of his art works just in color and multiplied over and over again.Http://  

Friday, March 18, 2011

graphic art

this graphic art's had came up with giant face and  put it up all over the world and now he has his own  place. his art plays a big role in peoples life. its the best wall art you will ever see.

Friday, March 4, 2011

logo designs

2) My logo's are my name & my caisson's band name. 
3) the way my name is overlapping one another came to me because it is an easy name to do. 
4) the bands name was heard to do because the had it made all ready but this is what they should have.